Beyond the Horizon: Finland-Brazil Space

Beyond the Horizon: Finland-Brazil Space Synergy

Business Finland

October 25, 2024
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Parque Tecnologico de São José dos Campos (Auditorium 3) Estrada Dr. Altino Bondensan, 500 - Eugênio de Melo, São José dos Campos - SP, 12247-016
Register here

Welcome to Beyond the Horizon: Finland-Brazil Space Synergy

Welcome to Beyond the Horizon: Finland-Brazil Space Synergy, a panel discussion bringing together specialists from Finland and Brazil to explore the opportunities for collaboration in the new space economy. As both nations advance in space technology and innovation, this event aims to foster dialogue on key areas of cooperation, including satellite technology, space exploration, and talent development.  Join us for a dynamic exchange of ideas and a glimpse into the future of space collaboration. 


Date: October 25, 2024  & Time: 9.30am –12:30am 

Venue: Parque Tecnologico de São José dos Campos (Auditorium 3)  

Estrada Dr. Altino Bondensan, 500 - Eugênio de Melo, São José dos Campos - SP, 12247-016 

Language: English and Portuguese 




09:30 - 10:00: Welcome Coffee and Registration 

10:00 - 10:10: Opening Words by Consul Kari Puurunen 

10:10 - 10:25: Introduction to the Finnish Space and New Space sector by Espoo City New Space  

10:25 –10:40: The world’s most extensive hyperspectral satellite constellation and advanced AI-based analytics by KUVA Space

10:40 - 10:55: Round of introduction - panelists (3-5 minutes each) 

10:55 - 11:40: Panel Discussion: 



  • ICEYE: Ana Paula Cordeiro VP Latin America 
  • Team Finland: Johanna Kivimäki Team Finland Knowledge Latin America (R&D) 


  • Visiona, Prêntice Filho       
  • Brazil Space Cluster, Daniella Villas

11:40 - 11:50: Talent Boost Program (Promoting Opportunities for talent and startups in this sector) by Alessandra Leone 

11:50- 12:00: Connection Latam Finland – Opportunities at ReOrbit 

12:50 - 12:05: Closing Remarks by Heidi Virta 

12:05 - 12:30: Networking 



Alessandra Leone

Talent Manager, Brazil